This is a picture I took last year, after an icing event. I rounded the corner (on skis) and found myself in a crystal palace of trees--it was such a remarkable scene that it took by breath away. I had to stop and take a picture of the sun glinting off of the branches. The picture, of course, could not fully capture the beauty of the scene before me.
This is the time of year when the trees begin to wake up. Long before we see leaves begin to bud on their branches, their sap begins to run, below where we can see. Isn't this the way that waking up so often happens for us? We don't see visible signs of change, but we feel something in us begin to shift.
Do you feel yourself waking up? Does the sense of slowing down begin to give way to something new? I find that it does for me this time of year. The days are slightly longer, there is a bit more electricity in the air, there is more movement in my soul. I feel a desire to take up projects that were set aside in the fall, or perhaps new ones that have been brewing during the deepest part of winter.
In my circle in East Hartford this month, we will do a ceremony with and for trees. I don't know exactly what shape it will take, but I hope you will join me if you're nearby.
See if you can notice how nature moves you. Seasons are a blessing, because they allow us to flow with the cycles that are present in the world around us. What feels like it is beginning to flow for you?