Foundation for Shamanic Studies In Person Workshops
In Person Workshops
All in person workshops are held in East Hartford, CT
Workshop cancellation policy:
Refunds will be given, minus a $40 processing fee, up to one month before the workshop. 50% refunds will be given up to two weeks before the workshop. Within two weeks of the workshop, no refunds will be issued.​
Please have with you for all in person workshops:
A rattle and frame drum (if you have them; having at least a rattle is strongly recommended)
Something to cover your eyes, like a bandana
​​A notebook to record your journeys (electronics are not permitted for this purpose)
A covered water bottle
Pillows, blankets, or whatever you need to be comfortable sitting and lying on the ground
Please dress in layers, and in a way that you are comfortable moving around the space
See individual workshop listings for additional items to bring
You must be in attendance for the entire workshop in order for it to count as a prerequisite for other FSS offerings (workshops with prerequisites, and the 3 Year Program). Please plan to be present for the entire workshop.
Please note that recording in FSS workshops is not allowed.
2025 Workshops
​The Basic Workshop: The Way of the Shaman
Saturday-Sunday April 26-27, 10am-5:30pm
During the Basic experiential workshop, participants are introduced to core shamanism, the universal, near-universal, and common methods of the shaman to enter nonordinary reality for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey, one of the most remarkable visionary methods used by humankind to explore the hidden universe otherwise known mainly through myth and dream. Participants are initiated into shamanic journeying, aided by drumming and other techniques for experiencing the shamanic state of consciousness and for awakening dormant spiritual abilities, including connections with Nature.
Practice includes comparisons by participants of their discoveries in shamanic journeys as well as being introduced to shamanic divination and healing. They are also provided with methods for journeying to meet and study with their own individual spirit helpers in nonordinary reality, a classic step in shamanic practice. Participants learn how the journey is utilized to restore spiritual power and health, and how shamanism can be applied in contemporary daily life to help heal oneself, others, and the Planet.
In addition to the items listed above, please have with you a grapefruit-sized rough surfaced rock (NOT a crystal or gemstone)
Cost is $295 for this workshop

Advanced Shamanic Divination Training
Saturday-Sunday May 17-18, 10am-5:30pm
**Prerequisite: The Way of the Shaman (in person), OR The Shamanic Journey; Shamanic Divination in Practice; and Shamanism, Spirits, and Healing (online)
One of the classic tasks of the shaman is to journey into nonordinary reality in order to obtain answers to questions, both at the request of others and for oneself. Participants in the workshop have the opportunity to engage in divination journeys for each other as well as for themselves and to gain experience in using various time-tested shamanic divination techniques. In the shamanic search to become persons of knowledge, they learn, as shamans have from time immemorial, how to converse with plant and animal spirits, how to learn about the use of quartz crystals, and how to seek and receive revelatory knowledge from visionary sources.
In addition to the items listed above, please have with you:
A rough-surfaced, grapefruit sized rock (NOT a crystal)
A small quartz crystal, at least 1 inch long, and something to cover it when you are not using it
A blanket that blocks out light
8 small objects, which you can hold together in your cupped hands, which you picked up outdoors
Cost is $295 for this workshop

Shamanic Extraction Healing Training
June 21-22, 10am-5:30pm
**Prerequisite: The Way of the Shaman (in person), OR The Shamanic Journey; Shamanic Divination in Practice; and Shamanism, Spirits, and Healing (online)
Participants are initiated into the extraction method of healing, including how to see, sense, and remove localized illness and pain connected to spiritual factors. This is an important part of shamanic healing training. They will also learn how shamanic practitioners can work in partnership to increase the effectiveness of this work. The Extraction Healing Training workshop is designed exclusively for people who want to bring shamanic healing work into their practice with others. The training is not designed for people looking for personal healing.
In order to get the most out of this workshop, you would benefit from having good practice connecting with your spirits and having a strong journey practice. Please contact me with any questions.
Cost is $295 for this workshop

Power Soul Retrieval Training
July 12-13, 10am-5:30pm
**Prerequisites: Extraction (online or in person) AND Shamanism Dying and Beyond (in person)/The Shaman As Psychopomp (online)
Learning shamanism is not just a matter of acquiring methods, but also of increasing spiritual power and knowing how to use it. From the shamanic point of view, people who are not spiritually "power-filled" are prone to illness, accidents, and misfortune. Anyone who has had a traumatic experience may lose a portion of their soul, of their spiritual essence. There are also other reasons this may occur.
In this workshop, participants will learn about soul loss and soul retrieval from a shamanic perspective. There will be a particular emphasis on the importance of shamanic power to do successful soul retrieval. Participants will also learn how to re-empower a client's soul after it has been returned so that the client is once again spiritually power-filled, leading to greater health and well-being. This soul retrieval training is based on worldwide core principles and methods. It does not require Western psychological perspectives and practices.
Cost is $295 for this workshop