We were blessed with a Thanksgiving snowfall in Vermont, just under a foot by the time it finished. We are still in a significant drought--still, nature continues to give us gifts, even as we experience the harshness of the world.
In our modern comforts, it is easy to forget that we are dependent on nature. I think nature is trying to remind us of our interconnectedness. Science shows us the impact we have on the natural world, but Shamanism teaches us that we are in relationship. Relationships involve dialogue, and so we must listen, and pay attention to what nature is trying to show us. There is not a one way direction impact--either us impacting nature, or nature impacting us. We are connected, and related, and we affect each other.
What does this have to do with snowfall? I see the first snow of ever year as a blessing. It is not promised. Yet, every year, it comes. We make mistakes in our relationships, and our relationship with nature is no different. But mistakes come with apologies, and with repair. There is very little we can do individually to impact our environment on a massive scale. But our own relationship with nature, and our relationships with the beings around us, do have an impact. No, the snow is not there for me personally, and thinking so would be hubris. And at the same time, the snow can be a gift for me, in my own relationship with nature, weather, and the world.
As we move into the darkest part of the year, see if you can notice what gifts the world is giving you. Listen closely.