I have been thinking about relationship, and the relationship we have with our environment. This leads me to think about the relationship we have with our spirits. As I get into the part of the year when I am teaching more of the healing methods, I am often asked why the spirits don't do the healing themselves--why is our effort necessary? We are essential to the equation, but how?
It should come as no surprise to us that humans have an impact on our environment. We see the impacts every year, as the environment changes in response to our actions. Just yesterday, we had (unexpected and unforecasted) catastrophic rains in the western part of Connecticut, with some areas receiving 15" of rain. And yet, even as we recognize the
impact that all of humanity has on our planet, many people feel helpless and hopeless, as they consider how miniscule their own individual impact can be.
When we work with the spirits, our own impact is far greater, because we work with their power. As someone's wise uncle once said, "with great power comes great responsibility." That can be the responsibility to act, and to bring healing; or the responsibility to honor our ethics and not to act, because the action we would take does not align with our principals of compassion and autonomy.
When I have asked my own helping spirits why humans practitioners are essential for healing, I have gotten multiple answers, each opening up new avenues of exploration. What is on my heart now is the idea of reciprocity--that there is something sacred in asking for help, and something sacred in offering it. The compassion required to help someone else mirrors the compassion of the spirits, and reflects how we grow in compassion when we deepen our own work with compassionate spirits.
I encourage all of you who know how to journey to explore this for yourself--why are we essential?